Frederico Floeter is a creative director and designer currently based in São Paulo. He has a strategic approach to campaigns, visual identity, editorial, and user interface design.
In 2024 he founded Notebrand, a communication agency focussed on design, branding and marketing.
In 2022 he was a freelancer for Nubank's branding design team designing the company's Brand Tool website.
In 2019 he was part of Orchid Creation design team, developing identity systems and presentations for technology clients such as Google, Android, KaiOS, and many others.
Between 2014 and 2017 he collaborated with Vitor Cesar on books, catalogs, and exhibition design.
In 2016 he Coordinated the Visual Communication team of the Acervo Artístico-Cultural dos Palácios do Governo do Estado de São Paulo [Artistic-Cultural Collection of the Governmental Palaces of the State of São Paulo].
Between 2014 and 2015 he was FFWMAG magazine graphic designer.
Between 2015 e 2016 he took classes as a guest student at the Landscape and Environment, and Design department of the post-graduation course of Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo - Universidade de São Paulo [University of São Paulo College of Architecture and Urbanism architecture].
In 2011 he obtained his bachelor's degree in Visual Communication / Graphic Design at Centro Universitário Senac (São Paulo).
For inquiries, full CV, and other questions, please get in contact: floeter.studio@gmail.com